Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How many more weeks of winter?

 Thursday, the temperature almost reached zero (32 for our American friends) so I decided to move my workshop from downstairs to the garage. Still too cool for epoxy work but at least I could do sawing and sanding without filling the house with sawdust. But winter returned with a vengeance with some days only reaching a high of -21 ( -6 American). I have not been impressed and my wife has been even less impressed since her car was now kicked out of the  garage and she hates scraping ice and snow off the car windows when she goes to work in the morning. 

Hopefully, temperatures return to seasonal normals soon.  I have now put 3 coats of epoxy on the inside of the centerboard trunk and glued the centerboard together. Used almost every spring clamp I have to make sure I have a solid centerboard.  I do not want to sand the epoxy until I can work in the garage without getting frostbite; should be this weekend if the forecast is accurate.
I am anxious to see if I filled the weave enough or if my second and third coats were too thin. I figured practicing on the inside of the centerboard trunk was a good idea since no one is ever going to see it.  61 total hours of construction so far.  

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